Now is the time to expand Michigan’s EITC
Now is the time to expand Michigan’s EITC (Earned Income Tax Credit). Michigan’s low-wage workers need help paying the bills now. Michigan employers having trouble

Learning from Florida: 3rd grade reading mandates don’t work
This post reruns a 2017 post by our former colleague Pat Cooney entitled the Problem with 3rd grade reading mandates. In it Pat lays out

Michigan needs a General Motors 2030 economic development strategy
In 1979 General Motors employed 468,000 American hourly workers. 76 percent of their U.S. workforce. In 2021 General Motors employed 45,000 American hourly workers. 46

Florida and Michigan academic test scores
For decades many business, political and media elites have told us that Florida is the model for improving student achievement. They constantly urge Michigan to

Which state economy should Michigan want to be like?
In our last post we detailed that states with employment most concentrated in production––front-line factory––jobs are all structurally low-prosperity states, with per capita income substantially

Factory jobs are not the path to Michigan prosperity
In 2004 Don Grimes and I wrote A New Path to Prosperity?. The report detailed that prosperous states were no longer manufacturing-based states, but were