Category: Feature

Michigan Future Schools Jobs

Michigan Future Schools – our high school accelerator – is now hiring its first two professional. You can find details here. More than anything else

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State Board of Ed Leading

Our politics are characterized by hyper partisanship and an unwillingness to tackle the big issues. So at a time when leadership matters most, we get

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Not Low Business Costs

I finally had the time to take a look at the annual competitiveness report published by Business Leaders for Michigan. The one that gets so

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Not Mississippi II

In my last post I asked the question “do higher growth rates predict that Mississippi will have higher per capita income than Minnesota?”  I picked

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Not Mississippi

In a series of columns the Mackinac Center asserts that Mississippi is a state that Michigan should use as model. One criticized a recent post

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A Tale of Two Economies

Good article (with video interview of George Fulton) by Nathan Bomey at Its called Education Chasm. Its the new reality we all need to

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Worth Reading

When I committed to writing a blog twice a week I worried that I wouldn’t have enough to write about. Boy was I wrong. The

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