Category: Feature

Michigan’s recovery

Good news! The Bureau of Labor Statistics just released revised data on Michigan employment for 2011 and 2012. They show larger job gains than previously

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Health care jobs

Catherine Rampell in a New York Times Economix blog entitled Health Care Aside, Fewer Jobs Than in 2000 makes the case that other than health

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Do as the rich do

When it comes to education the Harlem Children’s Zone’s Geoffrey Canada has it right when he says he wants for Harlem’s kids what his rich

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Michigan is a low wage state

Michigan was the birthplace of the 20th Century American mass middle class. Largely built on a foundation of high paid blue collar –– mainly unionized

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Even more than machinists and welders we have been told over and over again by policy makers and the business community that American has a critical

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Education for an old economy

What worries me the most about the direction education policy is taking is that it seems increasingly disconnected from the economy of today and tomorrow.

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Wrong track on education policy

Readers of these posts know that we believe education attainment is what matters most to future economic success of both individuals and communities. That our

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Productivity up, not wages II

The evidence keeps growing that economic growth is increasingly going to capital not labor. And that unless that changes most Americans are facing a declining

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