Category: Feature

Soft bigotry of low expectations

Our Michigan Future Schools initiative is designed to create, at scale, open enrollment high schools in Detroit that graduate students college ready who ultimately earn

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Place and young professionals

A recent DBusiness article, entitled  “Report: Metro Detroit ranks low in attracting, keeping young graduates”, cites two reports that came to that conclusion. The one

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Michigan’s 99 percent

We all know the basic story. A very high percentage of personal income growth is going to the top one percent. Which leaves little for

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Michigan, Dallas and transit

A friend recently attended an urban development workshop in Dallas. Lots of content on retaining and attracting Millennials. She was surprised (me too when I

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Lack of transit and poverty

Important and surprising New York Times article entitled “Transportation Emerges as Crucial to Escaping Poverty”. Reporting on research at Harvard the Times reports: In a

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