
Kathy Hirsh-Pasek Bio Slide

Announcing What Now? video interviews, episode I: Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek

We’re excited to announce our brand new video interview series, which will explore issues where the coronavirus pandemic helps us see things in a new light.

What Now? asks: how should we navigate through this pandemic, and ensure a more prosperous Michigan in our recovery?

In our first season, we’re discussing education. In particular, the type of education that helps students build the broad skills needed to be successful in the 21st century. While the pandemic has made education an urgent issue–where inequity is even more glaring today than usual–our school system overall is not designed to build broad skills in students. So, how do we redesign schooling so that all student have the same opportunities to grow to become, as Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek says in today’s video, “happy, healthy, thinking… and social children who will become collaborative, creative, competent, and responsible citizens of tomorrow?”

Dr. Hirsh-Pasek is the co-author of one of our favorite books, Becoming Brilliant: What Science Tells Us About Raising Successful Children. She is a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institution and Professor of Psychology at Temple University.

We will release interviews weekly with an incredible roster of both Michigan and national experts. Next week we’ll talk with David Britten, the retired superintendent from the west side of Michigan who led his district as it embraced a big change: making 6Cs learning the norm and the goal for all of its kids.

We hope you find these video interviews as interesting to watch as we have to record, and would appreciate it if you share this series with friends and colleagues who care about Michigan’s children!

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