
Quality of Place Matters

Good post on quality of place by Rick Haglund at his web site. Its Worth checking out regularly. Rick always has an interesting take on what’s happening to our state’s economy.

In this blog Rick writes about the wife of Johnny Damon wanting him to play in a more cosmopolitan city – like Chicago – rather than Detroit. Its a story I hear over and over again from those trying to recruit talent to metro Detroit. Its not just young professionals who are looking for quality place along with a good job when they make location decisions.

Ultimately, if we are going to regrow a high prosperity Michigan, we are going to have to improve Michigan as a place that has what mobile talent are looking for. One of the assets that matters that we really need to work on is vibrant central cities. Its a core characteristic of almost all prosperous regions across the country. Forget the idea that Michigan can comeback without Detroit (and to a lesser degree Grand Rapids and Lansing/East Lansing) working. They need to be on priority list!


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