Category: Talent

Global Challenges

As I wrote in my previous posts about the upcoming elections, at the core of our work is the belief that globalization and technology are

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Getting It!

A terrific editorial from Nolan Finley in the Sunday Detroit News. Entitled “The reason why we’re poorer”, Finley lays out, as well as we ever

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Detroit Ain’t Dead

Conventional wisdom here and across the planet is that Detroit is hopeless. Not salvageable. Think again! Take a look at this video from the folks

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It’s the Neighborhood

Lots of comments on the Andy Basile email I wrote about in my last post. Most quite positive. A few pushed back. Let me lay out

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Cost of Living?

One of the questions I get most often during my presentations is “what about the cost of living?”. Aren’t most of the high prosperity big

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Young Talent Leaving Michigan

A couple of interesting articles about young talent leaving Michigan. Both worth reading. The first from the Spinal Column covering west Oakland County. I’m interviewed,

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Place Comes First

Place trumps everything. Among my college educated friends who have yet to start families, they’d sooner move (and many have) to an exciting or beautiful

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