Category: Talent

Growing Detroit

The Detroit Regional Chamber’s second annual Detroit Policy Conference was terrific. Worth attending in future years. 800 folks turned out to focus on how to

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Machinists and welders

Machinists and welders have become public exhibit #1 of why we need to reemphasize vocational training in high school and beyond. The claim is these

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What is quality education?

We are increasingly inundated with rankings of k-12 schools. The question I always ask is “would the report’s authors send their kids or grandkids to

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Big picture themes

As we start the new year I thought it would be helpful to take a step back from the specifics I normally write about to

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Lots of press coverage

All of a sudden there has been a lot of press coverage of our work: I did an interview with Cynthia Canty for Michigan Radio’s

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