Category: Talent

Upcoming education forum

I’m very much looking forward to participating in the “The Future of Michigan Education” forum on Wednesday, May 27 from 7 to 8:30 pm at the

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Lou Glazer

Education pays updated

You can find current data here. The Bureau of Labor Statistics each year publishes a chart that details the unemployment rate and median weekly earnings

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Liberal arts as an asset

Readers of this blog know that we believe that a broad education is the key to building the skills needed for successful/prosperous forty year careers.

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Central cities surging

In our 2006 A New Agenda for a New Michigan report we wrote: “The most successful regions across the country are those where both the

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Minneapolis surging

As readers of Michigan Future’s work know, we have suggested for years that Michigan should look to Minnesota as a model for how to create

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New York City surging

The New York Times reports that New York City has added more jobs over the last five years than during any five year period in

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Net worth measured in millions

I’m reading Jonathan Clements’ Money Guide 2015. Not for work. But his first two paragraphs of the first chapter are very much about Michigan Future’s

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