Category: Feature


Interesting Business Week article on the just ended decade. Like everyone else they think it was awful. But point out that in terms of the

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Transforming Education IV

In writing the three previous Transforming Education posts – in the pursuit of being brief (apparently the rule for blogs) – I have skipped topics

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Transforming Education

If, as we and others have argued, education attainment is the key to economic success for both individuals and communities in a flattening world, how

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What Matters Most

Real interesting James Fallows article in the Atlantic. Its about how America gets out of the current mess we are in. Fallows brings a unique

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Rock Climbing

In a recent post I wrote about a Tom Friedman column that illustrates how globalization and technology are fundamentally and constantly changing the economy. Now

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Our Politics

Many believe, because of the mess we are in and term limits, that the 2010 elections are particularly pivotal for the state’s future. I’m sure

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