Category: Feature

State Budget Realities

Last week Mitch Bean, the terrific Director of the House Fiscal Agency, did a presentation to our Leadership Council on the state budget. I highly

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New High School Grants

We are now accepting applications for those interested in starting a new high school opening in the fall of 2012 serving students from the City

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What are we thinking?

Another great New York Times column from Paul Krugman on the importance of infrastructure.  And our current hostility to providing funding for what has always

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Bob Thompson Won

We and the country always frame stories about Detroit as nothing ever goes right. Even when they go right. This has got to stop! The

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A couple of new videos on our work you might want to check out.  The first from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is an interview

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What State Government Can’t Do

Insightful column from Nathan Bomey of It’s a reaction to a California venture capitalist’s comments that Michigan is  better in supporting innovative businesses than

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New High Schools

Our Michigan Future Schools program, proudly announced yesterday grants of $2.8 million to open four innovative new high schools that will challenge and support Detroit

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