Category: Feature

Politics vs. Economics II

My big picture take on the recent elections: Those doing well in the transition to a knowledge-based economy and minorities voted D. Those doing poorly

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2011 Predictions

The folks at were kind enough to ask me again to be one of their guest columnists on what we see happening in 2011.

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State Tax Realities

Jeff Guilfoyle, the terrific President of the Citizens Research Council of Michigan, recently did a presentation to our Leadership Council on Michigan’s state and local

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We are likely to hear in the coming weeks that restoring the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) to its pre Granholm incarnation is a key

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Short vs. Long Term

The new Snyder Administration is going to be under a lot of pressure to do what they can to deliver jobs now. The line will

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Not Anti Manufacturing

What we get criticized for the most is being anti manufacturing. Specifically anti high paid factory work. The jobs that built middle class Michigan. Nothing

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Politics Vs. Economics

I urge you to read back to back two insightful recent columns on the elections. The first from the New York Times’ David Brooks is

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