Category: Feature

Worth reading

Always too much good stuff that I can’t find time or space to write about. Here are links to three reports/articles I found worth reading.

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Politics vs Economics III

In his analysis of the recent elections which I wrote about previously Richard Florida quotes the Cato Institute’s Brink Lindsey. Who said Here, in the

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Really Not Picking Winners

Governor Snyder in his State of the State address announced the state would no longer pick winners and losers. The way he proposed to implement

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State of the State

Thanks to the folks at Crain’s Detroit Business for publishing my reaction to Governor Snyder’s first State of the State address. You can find it

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High School Struggles

MDRC has done a comprehensive evaluation of New York City’s new small high schools. I think the findings are quite important. Mainly because NYC under Joel

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A list you want to be on

Fascinating article on Yahoo Finance on the states with the highest proportion of households with incomes of $200,000 or more. There are now 4.5 million

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Not Texas

The state we are probably lectured about the most as a model for how Michigan state government should work like is Texas. The story goes

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Shopping for schools

At its core Michigan Future Schools and the broader Excellent Schools Detroit are designed to use the market place to reform schooling for Detroit children.

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Engines of Prosperity?

Quite predictably the release of the 2010 Census was accompanied by a chorus of Michigan needs to be like the South admonitions. It happens with

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