Category: Feature

More educated women

The trend continues that women are adjusting better to the changing economy than men. Yahoo! News has an article using Census data that for the

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the Snyder budget II

Most of the questions I have received have been about how well the Governor’s budget will help in growing the Michigan economy. In addition there

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Real school reform

The country has gotten serious about urban education reform. It has been a priority for both the Bush and Obama Administrations. For both moral and

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Detroit rising?

Last week Matthew wrote of the growing interest at U of M’s Ross School of Business in Detroit. And USA Today recently did an article

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the Snyder budget

As you might expect, I have been asked a lot about my reaction to Governor Snyder’s budget proposal. The folks at Dome Magazine asked me

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Selling Out Detroit

Recently, we made an invitation to our fellow students at the Ross School of Business to take an evening out of their busy lives and

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Flat World Realities

Insightful article from Chrystia Freeland in the Atlantic entitled the Rise of the New Global Elite. As Freeland writes a major reason for the rise

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