Category: Feature

Not time for a celebration

In an editorial entitled Snyder must sell how a 2nd term would overcome shortcomings of his 1st, Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press Editorial Page Editor, wrote:

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Massachusetts: student achievement

As we explored previously Massachusetts’ students rank amongst the best in the world on international math and science tests. The recently released 2013 NAEP–the nation’s

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Which top ten?

Insightful column by Chris Farrell for Bloomberg Businessweek entitled “Innovative States Aren’t Low-Tax States”. Worth reading! As we did in our last two posts, Farrell

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New report lessons II

We have in our last few reports deconstructed per capita income into its components. Doing that has made clear the importance of wages and benefits

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New report lessons

Interesting reaction to our new report. Nearly everyone wants to talk about what it means to policy. And yet for Don Grimes and I the

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San Francisco winning

Conventional wisdom is the places with the lowest costs (so-called business friendly) have the best economies. Think again! If that were true New York City–particularly

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Still addicted to tax cuts

In a previous post I explored the nearly two decade bipartisan addiction Michigan policy makers have to cutting taxes. The latest evidence of the continuation

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