Category: Feature

Lou Glazer

Two important books II

In my last post I recommended The Second Machine Age for anyone interested in learning what the economy and jobs of the future are likely

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Lou Glazer

More than a test score

Another great piece from Paul Tough. This time a New York Times magazine article entitled “Who gets to graduate?” Its about what matters most to

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Lou Glazer

A must read report

Doug Drake has authored a must read report on the role lower taxes has played in shaping the Michigan economy over the last two decades.

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Lou Glazer

Michigan and Minnesota taxes

We are working on our next report. A case study of  Minnesota’s economic growth policies. With an emphasis on tax and spending policy. These, of course,

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Be like Mississippi

In a recent report from the Annie E. Casey Foundation Michigan has the third-lowest score for the overall well-being of black children, only slightly better than

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43rd and falling?

As we explored in my last post on the best measure of employment––the proportion of those 16 and older with a job–-in 2013 Michigan ranked

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Oh boy we are 43rd

Listening to the press, Lansing elected officials and Michigan business leaders one gets the sense that Michigan has one of––if not the––best state economy. Yes

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