Detailing the failure of Michigan’s motor vehicle factory strategy

As Rick Haglund chronicled for Crain’s Detroit Business, since General Motors in 1992 chose Arlington Texas over Willow Run for a motor vehicle assembly plant, Michigan’s economic development priority has been to compete for auto assembly and auto parts plants. That motor vehicle factory strategy has failed. Data from the Quarterly Census of Employment and […]

Detailing the failure of Michigan’s low-tax strategy

Michigan’s low-tax strategy has failed. Since 2000 Michigan has experienced––in good times and bad and no matter which party has been in control in Lansing––far worse than the nation employment and wage growth. In 2000 Michigan accounted for 3.6 percent of the nation’s employment. In 2021 it had fallen to 2.9 percent. If Michigan’s employment […]

Expanding Michigan’s refundable Earned Income Tax Credit

Below is the text of a letter to the Governor, Senate Majority Leader and Speaker of the House sent by Tom Hickson, Vice President of Public Policy and Advocacy Michigan Catholic Conference; Andrew T. Johnston Senior Vice President, Advocacy & Strategic Engagement Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce; Alexa Kramer, Director of Government Operations Small Business […]

Post pandemic still too many low-wage jobs

To us the data are clear: Michigan has a two-tier economy. This two-tier economy is prevalent across all of Michigan and across all races and ethnicities. And it predates the pandemic, as evidenced by the Michigan Association of United Ways findings that in Michigan’s strong 2019 economy nearly four in ten Michigan households were unable […]

Indiana’s failed low tax economic strategy

A decade ago in a column for Dome we made the case that Indiana’s low tax economic strategy was a failure and would continue to fail going forward. We wrote: The Mackinac Center for Public Policy on Monday is hosting an event with Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels as the featured speaker. This is a continuation […]

Upper income households by education attainment

A new Pew Research Center analysis calculates the proportion of lower income, middle income and upper income households in 1971 and 2021. The headline of the analysis is the shrinking of the American middle class over the last half century. 61 of American households in 1971 were middle income. In 2021 that had declined to […]

Brian Calley makes the case for EITC expansion

Small Business Association of Michigan (SBAM) President and CEO Brian Calley in an interview with the Michigan Association of United Ways made the case for why a big expansion of the state’s Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is good for Michigan businesses. You can watch the relevant portion of the interview here. Highly recommended. At […]

Could the Detroit Three be mobility industry minnows?

The New York Times in an article entitled Jim Farley tries to reinvent Ford and catch up to Elon Musk and Tesla writes: Yet Wall Street still thinks that Tesla, which is worth more than $1 trillion, will dominate the industry and that companies like Ford, worth $62 billion, and G.M., $58 billion, will become […]

44 percent of Metro Detroit jobs pay middle class wages

Important new metro Detroit educational attainment report from the Detroit Regional Chamber entitled 2022 State of Talent. Worth checking out. The report portrays a region that continues to be a laggard in post-secondary attainment. And the negative impact that has on household well being and the region’s overall prosperity. The Chamber writes: The data in […]

Big cities are where today’s college students want to live

Conventional wisdom has it that big cities are dead. This time the cause of their predicted demise is the pandemic. It is widely believed that since you can now work from home combined with a long-lasting fear of crowded places that big cities are toast. There is one big problem with this theory. When asked […]