Why do we want to be like those states?

In my last post we looked at evidence that the most prosperous non-energy states were those with the highest college attainment, not the lowest taxes. In this post I want to look at the states the tax cutters in Lansing are telling us we need to emulate. The argument of many advocating for an elimination […]

College attainment drives state per capita income

We are constantly barraged with those claiming that low tax states have the best economies. And only slightly less so that getting a four year degree is no longer a path to prosperity, at least for those without a STEM degree. Neither are accurate. When it comes to determining which states are prosperous four year […]

How much do people with two-year or four-year degrees earn? Here are the facts.

We hear frequently from employers and their political allies that many/most kids would be better off pursuing an occupational certificate or two year degree with an occupational major than getting a four year degree. Some version of students with a four year degree are earning low wages with lots of debt, while students going into […]

Are low wages causing the skilled trades shortages?

The Grand Rapids Business Journal recently published an op-ed and comment that lays out the two most likely reasons for more demand by employers for skilled trades workers in manufacturing and construction than there are qualified applicants for those jobs. Which of the two explanations is accurate has profound implications for public policy, particularly for […]

Senator Sasse on the nature of future work

In a previous post I wrote about US Senator Ben Sasse’s (Republican from Nebraska) views on manufacturing jobs not coming back no matter what pressure President Trump puts on companies not to move jobs overseas or to whatever barriers we erect to trade because of automation. We recommended––and do so again––that you watch from about the 32 […]

Egads! Michigan wants to be like Kansas

As we have explored previously (see here, here and here), Kansas tried and failed to grow their economy through big tax cuts. In fact what they got was the exact opposite, arguably the worst state economic performance since the end of the Great Recession. Despite the overwhelming evidence that cutting taxes doesn’t grow state economies, […]

The $10 million winning Grand Rapids high school

I recently had a chance to visit the Grand Rapids Public Museum School. Quite impressive. Clearly the folks at the XQ: The Super School Project thought so too. They chose the school as one of ten winners of $10 million. XQ’s mission is “to remake America’s high schools for today”. Both websites are worth exploring. […]

Automating mining and fast food jobs

Recent articles on automation in mining and fast foods reinforce that the new reality is that many jobs and occupations in a wide range of industries are likely to disappear sooner rather than later. The mining story comes from the MIT Technology Review. Its entitled This truck is the size of a house and doesn’t have […]

Sasse, Carrier and the decline of manufacturing jobs

The headlines were about President elect Trump saving 800 manufacturing jobs at a Carrier Indianapolis air conditioning plant. But two Business Insider articles do a far better job than the headlines of explaining what the future is of the Carrier plant and American manufacturing employment. There the news is not so rosy. Why? Because increasingly […]

Welding isn’t the skill welders need most

I’m reading a new book on the so-called skills gap. Beyond the Skills Gap: Preparing College Students for Life and Work by University of Wisconsin professor Matthew Hora. Important book on an important topic. As I’m reading I ran across this quote from a HR professional at a manufacturer in Wisconsin: “What’s funny is that […]