
Beyond Learning Loss: Tangible Outcomes for Education Equity Post-Covid

The educational impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is unquestionable. But what if we spent less time talking about closing achievement gaps and more time talking about practical strategies and outcomes for shattering achievement ceilings?

We invite you to a presentation and discussion with Colin Seale, a lawyer, educator, and the founder of thinkLaw, which helps educators provide students with the tools they need to lead, innovate, and break the things that need to be broken.

Colin holds dual beliefs that (1) preparing historically overlooked and underestimated children for a world where they often must work twice as hard to get half as far requires a bold “college for all” level of academic preparation and (2) these are the same children who need to be the change we’ve been waiting for. Changes to these systemic inequities could not be more timely for Michigan’s education context.

Colin will be joined by three visionary Michigan leaders who are walking the walk to accomplish whatmust be done to prepare all of Michigan’s children for future success in and beyond the classroom.

  • Danielle Jackson, CEO, Detroit 90/90, U Prep Schools
  • Kevin Polston, Superintendent, Godfrey-Lee Public Schools
  • Tiffany Taylor, Vice President, Deputy Chief People Officer, Teach for America

Educators, policy makers, business and other community leaders are all invited to join usfor this important conversation. Please register today.

Registration required by March 16:

For more of Michigan Future’s education content, check out our series of interviews with education leaders. In What Now? we’re asking transformative national and Michigan leaders: what are we learning from the pandemic, and how do we emerge from the pandemic better able to prepare all Michigan kids for the future?


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