[REPORT] A Path to Good-paying Careers for all Michiganders: Improving student outcomes from education, birth to college


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A Path to Good-paying Careers for all Michiganders:

Improving student outcomes from education, birth to college

This is the first of three detailed reports – in each focus area from our policy agenda – providing ideas for how state policymakers can implement our recommendations. Improving student outcomes from education, birth to college, details our recommendations for redesigning Michigan’s education system.

Click here to download it. 

There are two essential understandings that drive our recommendations:

  1. The economy our students will be entering is one marked by rapid change. Smarter and smarter machines are increasingly taking on more and more tasks that humans once did. No one knows what the jobs of tomorrow will be.
  2. Everyone deserves the education described above. Yet today, it’s only the affluent who have access to it.


Michigan’s national rank in percentage of people with a four-year degree. 


Michigan’s national rank in proportion of adults who work.

-5.5 million

Net U.S. new jobs gained by those with a high school degrees or less since Great Recession (2008).

+8.6 million

Net U.S. new jobs gained by those with a four-year degree or more since Great Recession (2008).

Our conclusion: States with more college grads will get more and better jobs


Click here to read our full policy agenda. 

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