Sixty percent with credentials
Sixty percent is becoming the standard estimate of the proportion of working age adults who need a post secondary credential to meet the skill needs
Integration and increasing mobility
Income mobility in American is declining. Increasingly what your parents earn predicts what you will earn. Certainly not consistent with the core American value of
Soft bigotry of low expectations
Our Michigan Future Schools initiative is designed to create, at scale, open enrollment high schools in Detroit that graduate students college ready who ultimately earn
Minnesota #1
CNBC ranked Minnesota the best state to do business in. Pretty surprising. Good economy? Yes. Good place to do business? Conventional wisdom is no. We
![Lou Glazer](
Paul Ryan and the earned income tax credit
Michigan policymakers seem hell bent to eliminate the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). They already have reduced the credit from 20 to six percent to
Place and young professionals
A recent DBusiness article, entitled “Report: Metro Detroit ranks low in attracting, keeping young graduates”, cites two reports that came to that conclusion. The one