Expand Michigan’s Earned Income Tax Credit now
Our analysis of the robust 2019 Michigan labor market makes clear that Michigan has a two-tier economy. Nearly six in ten Michigan payroll jobs pay

Michigan’s lack of jobs in high-wage occupations
Terrific op ed in Crain’s Detroit Business by Glenn Stevens Jr., executive director of MICHauto and Britany Affolter-Caine, executive director of Michigan’s University Research Corridor.

The paucity of high-paid blue collar manufacturing jobs
In a 2012 post entitled Low pay driving job vacancies I posited that the reason manufacturers had a shortage of skilled trades workers was low

Get younger and better educated or get poorer
For years we ended our presentations with a slide that said Michigan must get younger and better educated or we will get poorer. Where younger

How much workers made in the pandemic labor market
We have explored frequently that those with a four-year degree or more over a forty-year career work more and earn more than those with less

Concentrating talent is the path to prosperity
The 21st Century path to prosperity––to a broad middle class––is concentrating talent. Not factory jobs. Why? Because today’s mass middle class are professionals and managers