Retaining and Attracting Talent

Our basic conclusion: What most distinguishes successful areas from Michigan is their concentrations of talent, where talent is defined as a combination of knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship. Quite simply, in a flattening world, the places with the greatest concentrations of talent win! States and regions without concentrations of talent will have great difficulty retaining or attracting knowledge-based enterprises, nor are they likely to be the place where new knowledge-based enterprises are created.
So retaining and attracting talent is at the heart of growing a high prosperity Michigan. We focus on college educated Millennials because they are the most mobile. Young people are the most likely demographic group to move. And among the young, moving from one state to another is highest for those with a four-year degree or more.
The priorities:
•  Building a culture that is welcoming to all.
• Creating places where talent  –  particularly mobile young talent  –  wants to live. This means expanded public investments in quality of place with an emphasis on vibrant central city neighborhoods.
•  Revitalizing Michigan’s Central Cities: A Vision and Framework for Action
• Young Talent in the Great Lakes: How Michigan is Faring
• Encouraging the Revitalization of Downtown Detroit: Attracting the Millennial Knowledge Worker

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Our basic conclusion: What most distinguishes successful areas from Michigan is their concentrations of talent, where talent is defined as a combination of knowledge, creativity and entrepreneurship. Quite simply, in a flattening world, the places with the greatest concentrations of talent win! States and regions without concentrations of talent will have great difficulty retaining or attracting knowledge-based enterprises, nor are they likely to be the place where new knowledge-based enterprises are created.

So retaining and attracting talent is at the heart of growing a high prosperity Michigan. We focus on college educated Millennials because they are the most mobile. Young people are the most likely demographic group to move. And among the young, moving from one state to another is highest for those with a four-year degree or more.

The priorities:

  • Building a culture that is welcoming to all.
  • Creating places where talent  –  particularly mobile young talent  –  wants to live. This means expanded public investments in quality of place with an emphasis on vibrant central city neighborhoods.

Michigan Future Inc. Research Reports:

  • Young Talent in the Great Lakes: How Michigan is Faring – Full report
  • Encouraging the Revitalization of Downtown Detroit: Attracting the Millennial Knowledge Worker – Full report
  • Revitalizing Michigan’s Central Cities: A Vision and Framework for Action – Full report
  • Michigan College Graduate Survey, 2008 – Presentation

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