Category: Talent


Interesting article by Nathan Bomey in Its about Toyota apparently considering moving some of their knowledge jobs from California, with Ann Arbor being one

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Why Young Talent?

There are many who question why it is that folks like us place such a high priority on retaining and attracting recent college graduates. Why

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State Budget Part II

I had a chance a few weeks ago to lay out for the State Board of Education how I would deal with the state’s long

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Duderstadt in Crain’s

Read this! Its Jim Duderstadt”s (the former U of M President) recent interview in Crain’s Detroit Business. Its terrific. As always Jim is direct, no

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Public Investments, Part III

So if the prestigious Milliken/Blanchard panel laid out a framework for state policy makers on tax and spending policies that will help grow the Michigan

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Public Investments, Part II

So if public investments are the key to better position Michigan to prosper in a knowledge-based economy what should policy makers do? The framework for

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