Category: Talent

Ficano on Transit

Great editorial from Wayne County Executive Robert Ficano for One D on transit. Ficano makes the case that rail transit is a key ingredient metro

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Great Editorials

Two great editorials on our just released report on Michigan’s progress to a knowledge-based economy. One from Derek Melot at the Lansing State Journal titled “Will

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Detroit’s Assets

We spend all of our time bashing the city of Detroit, we forget that it has assets to build from. Three of the most important

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The New White Flight?

Real interesting article at about a new Brookings Institution study. Its title: White flight? Suburbs lose young whites to cities. That it’s even possible that whites

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Is Richard Florida Right?

Thought provoking article in the American Prospect about the work of Richard Florida. It is critical of him on a variety of fronts, but particularly

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Welcoming to All

Good article in the New York Times about how high skill immigrants are major contributors to economic growth. It cites a study they commissioned to

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Mississippi Lessons

Why spend so much time on Mississippi? Because Michigan needs to get on a new path. And one of the ways of identifying that path

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