Category: Talent

Do Green Subsidies Work?

I read with interest a recent article from on Evergreen Solar. It is closing a solar panel manufacturing plant in Massachusetts and moving the

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Not the South

What is most disturbing about the “we should be like the South” mantra is that, by and large, these are the lowest education attainment states

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Two Steps in the Right Direction

Governor Granholm and the lame duck legislature in December enacted an important change in Michigan transportation policy. They are to be commended. The new policy,

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Talent Matters Most Again

Important and unexpected article from Crain’s Detroit Business on Michigan’s shortage of automotive engineers. That’s right, shortage! Conventional wisdom is that we have a big competitive

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the Education Multiplier

Terrific blog by Harvard’s Edward Glaeser in the NY Times on the power of education attainment for regional economies. Worth reading! He finds that today

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The Trends That Matter

We have been writing for years about two dominant trends in the economy. The first – and the most important – is that the knowledge-based

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A Quality of Place Agenda

Governor-elect Snyder was right on when he wrote in his ten point plan that “many of Michigan’s youth are looking for an appealing metropolitan community

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Getting Poorer Quick

In each of our annual progress reports Don Grimes and I have predicted that Michigan’s per capita income would fall to the mid thirties because

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