Growing Ann Arbor

Had an opportunity to talk with the Ann Arbor City Council about the economic future of the city. (For an excellent summary of the session see this MLive article.) My remarks and the conversation was mainly about retaining and attracting college educated Millennials. But we also had a chance to discuss Ann Arbor being part […]

The safety net and employment

Conventional wisdom seems to be that a generous safety net reduces the number of people that work. The thinking goes if you pay people enough not to work, they won’t seek and find work. Acting on those beliefs, Michigan, particularly in the last three years, has slashed the state’s main safety net programs: cash benefits, […]

Mayor Heartwell

Grand Rapids Mayor George Heartwell’s latest State of the City Address is terrific. Worth reading. It lays out an agenda for making Grand Rapids a place where people from across the planet want to live and work. Its an agenda that other Michigan cities should want to adopt as their own. And the state too. […]

Machines destroying occupations updated

At the core of Michigan Future’s work has been the belief that globalization and technology are mega forces that are and will continue to transform the economy. And that both are more powerful by orders of magnitude than policy or politics. That means, as we explored previously, that more and more work that humans have […]

Repopulating Detroit as the priority

In an interview with the New York Times, new Detroit mayor Mike Duggan said: “Everything that we are doing, from the time we get up in the morning, we’re thinking about: How are we going to build the city where the population is growing again?” Mr. Duggan said. “And that’s ultimately what’s going to define this: […]

We don’t need to be 49th for another decade

Ron French writes in his terrific Bridge article on projected Michigan job growth from 2013-2023: “Bridge Magazine economic projections paint a Scrooge-like portrait of the state economy over the coming decade. But that’s just one possible future. In the Charles Dickens story, Scrooge is scared enough to change his ways. Is Michigan prepared to change?” Exactly […]

Not time for a celebration II

As we explored in our previous two posts, on every major measure of employment and income Michigan is today a national laggard. To make matters worse, the odds are great that we will continue to lag the nation for another decade. One of the main causes of Michigan’s poor economic standing today is low education attainment. […]

Not time for a celebration

In an editorial entitled Snyder must sell how a 2nd term would overcome shortcomings of his 1st, Stephen Henderson, Detroit Free Press Editorial Page Editor, wrote: “I think he’s (Governor Snyder) premature in taking victory laps, especially with the unemployment rate creeping back up.” Rick Haglund in a MLive column entitled Michigan’s economy is running rough […]

49th for another decade?

Important set of articles from Bridge on projected job growth in Michigan over the next decade. Definitely worth reading! (The lead article can be found here and a Q&A with me here.) Using the 2013-2023 job projections from the US Department of Labor, Bridge found that Michigan is projected to have the second slowest job […]

Central cities winning

A central theme of our work is that the most prosperous places are big metros with a vibrant central city. Defined by a high proportion of adults with a four-year degree or more living in the central city. In many of the most prosperous regions the central city has a higher college attainment rate than […]