Talent and prosperity

A central conclusion of Michigan Future’s research over the decades is that the most prosperous places are those with the highest proportion of adults with a four year degree or more. (The only exception has been a few states that have benefited from high energy prices.) This, of course, is consistent with the economy becoming […]

Education for the second machine age

I’m rereading The Second Machine Age by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee. As I discussed previously, if I only could read only one book on the future of work this would be the book. Its a thorough exploration of how smarter and smarter machines are going to constantly do more and more of the work […]

Deemphasizing standardized testing

For years I have ben an advocate for using standardized tests as the prime way to evaluate the quality of K-12 schools and to hold them accountable. No more! The appeal of standardized tests was that they moved us away from measuring schools base on inputs (funding per pupil, student to teacher ratios, etc.) to […]

Jobs-altering technology

One of the new economic realities, that can’t be altered by politics or public policy, is that smarter and smarter machines are going to accelerate creative destruction of jobs, occupations and even industries. The job, occupation and even the industry you work in today are less secure than yesterday, and will be even less secure […]

Employment growth by education attainment

The Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce is a constant source of outstanding analysis on the relationship between education attainment and employment and wages. Their new report America’s Divided Recovery is worth reading. The report analyzes changes in employment by education attainment from just before the onset of the Great Recession (December 2007) […]

Michigan jobs and pay by occupations continued

In this post I want to explore how many working Michiganders are not working full time year round and/or are in lower wage occupations. The data come from the American Community Survey for 2014. In 2014 4,448,000 Michiganders worked. Of those 2,914,000 worked full time year round. So 34 percent (1,534,000) of Michiganders who worked […]

Michigan: 1969 and today

In our last post we looked at the unacceptable increase in poverty in Michigan that has occurred over the long term. From 1969 to 2014. Its a consequence of Michigan becoming structurally a low prosperity state. After have been a high prosperity state during the 20th Century. As we have explored previously the cause for […]

The changing nature of Michigan poverty

As we have written frequently, Michigan is now structurally a low prosperity state after having been a high prosperity state during the 20th Century. You can best get a sense of what that means to Michigan families when you compare economic wellbeing over a long period of time. In this post we are going to […]

Michigan jobs and pay by occupation

Seems like a lot of what I write about these days is trying to set the record straight on the value of a four year degree. To counter what increasingly passes for conventional wisdom that if you don’t have a four year degree in a STEM field you are better off pursuing a two year […]

Grand Rapids and Pittsburgh

Metro Grand Rapids’ economy was in the news twice recently. One very positive story, the other not so much. Both are accurate. The differences between the two highlight the importance of how you define economic success. The positive story comes from Bridge Magazine. It documents the strong job growth metro Grand Rapids has enjoyed. Bridge […]