Pandemic lessons: savings are vital

We are all told that we need to have savings of 3-6 months to deal with emergencies. One of the lessons we are learning from our pandemic-driven economy is that a lot of workers don’t earn enough to have savings. Everyday, in every community in Michigan, we are confronted with the vast number of low-wage […]

Jerome Powell on the safety net and work

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell made clear in recent Congressional testimony that a strong safety net is the not the cause of the decline in labor force participation. In a terrific article about Powell’s testimony, the Washington Post writes: U.S. senators asked Federal Reserve Chair Jerome H. Powell about labor force participation this week, especially […]

Economic lessons from the pandemic

The call to action we co-authored with economic and community development leaders from across the state was released just prior to the pandemic slamming Michigan. It calls on our state, regional and community leaders to make rising household income for all a preeminent priority of state and local economic policies and programs. To make the […]

Recommended reading on the economy and education

For those of you looking for something to read, other than about the coronavirus, here is a list of books about the economy and education that have been the most helpful in our understanding of the realities of how people earn a living today and likely tomorrow; what skills are most important to doing well […]

Our Detroit News op ed

The Detroit News recently published an op ed I co-authored with Sandy Baruah, president and CEO of the Detroit Regional Chamber, and David Meador, vice chairman and chief administrative officer of DTE Energy. All three of us are also co-authors of the Rising Income For All call to action. Our News op ed makes the […]

The market says college is relevant

I am a long-time fan of Kettering University. Particularly their integration of learning and work with their one semester at school followed by one semester working in the industry the student is preparing for. Having said that I could not disagree more with Kettering’s President Robert McMahan when he says in a Bridge interview: At […]

Michigan Future’s most-read blogs

Month after month, year after year, there are four most-read blogs. All have in common an exploration of the skills and occupations that are most rewarded in today’s labor market. That those skills are not occupation specific, but rather broader career rock climbing skills. And that the careers most rewarded are professional and managerial, not […]

The competitiveness case for higher Michigan taxes

Dug Song, co-founder and general manager of Duo Security, in an interview with Crain’s Detroit Business, makes the case for higher Michigan taxes. Higher Michigan taxes to invest in education and transit. The two assets that Song believes Michigan needs most to be competitive for companies like his. Crain’s writes: Top of mind for the […]

How to improve community college completion rates

By and large across Michigan and the country community college completion rates are quite low. As detailed in Redesigning America’s Community Colleges this largely is a result of how community colleges are designed. For ease of access, not completion. Redesigning America’s Community Colleges, as we have explored previously, lays out a detailed playbook on how […]

Technology driving wages down in the hospitality industry

The hospitality industry is characterized by lots of low-wage workers. E. Tammy Kim, in a New York Times column entitled The Gig Economy is Coming For Your Job, writes about how technology is allowing the hospitality industry to use gig workers to increase the number of low-wage workers. She writes: … The doormen and bellmen […]