A capitalist advocating for higher wages

Important New York Times op ed by Allstate CEO Tom Wilson entitled Save capitalism by paying people more. What makes this so important is the explicit call from a big company CEO that corporate America needs to pay higher wages. The need for higher wages and benefits is the core of the Michigan Future new […]

Michigan cities need more gentrification

For years I have said that the city of Detroit needs more gentrification and congestion. As most of you would expect, the push-back is immediate and intense. Most folks think of the negative consequences of both and instinctively recoil at having more of the negatives. What people don’t think about is that for both gentrification […]

Moving away from standardized testing

As readers of this bog know we believe Michigan needs to move away from standardized testing. Anytime we make that case, the first question we get is “what is the alternative?” In a column for Bloomberg entitled Testing Craze Is Fading in U.S. Schools. Good. Here’s What’s Next. Andrea Gabor tackles just that question. Before […]

Low-wage job concentrations by Michigan region

Michigan’s core economic challenge is there are too many low-wage jobs. It is the primary reason for the Michigan Association of United Ways finding that a way too high 43 percent of Michigan households in a strong economy cannot pay for basic necessities. The reality of too many low-pay jobs is true across the state––nationally […]