
Upcoming education forum

I’m very much looking forward to participating in the “The Future of Michigan Education” forum on Wednesday, May 27 from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Ann Arbor District Library, 343 South Fifth Ave in downtown Ann Arbor. The forum is sponsored by Re:NEW Michigan. The event will focus on the skills young people will need for successful careers in the age of technology and globalization.

Panelists are:
* John Austin, president, Michigan State Board of Education; non-resident senior fellow, Brookings Institution; director, Michigan Economic Center at Prima Civitas
* Dr. James Duderstadt, president emeritus, University of Michigan; director, National Science Foundation; director, National Commission of the Future of Higher Education.
* David Schroeter senior vice president sales, Gale/Cengage Learning; board member, Partnership for 21st Century Skills

Three great panelists. John has been a leader in pushing for state policies that focus on school quality in an environment that is dominated by those pursuing an ideological agenda. Jim is probably the person I  have learned the most from about the realities of smarter and smarter machines increasingly doing more and more of the work that people have done in the past and someone who has thought deeply about what this means for the kind of education we need. David, in addition to his work at Cengage, has been a national leader in pushing for an education system that builds a broad set of non content specific skills that are key to a successful forty year career.

I will serve as the moderator. Larry Eiler, CEO Eiler Communications and founder of the Re:NEW Michigan brand, will host.

Hope to see you there.



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