Pittsburgh as a reinventor region

In our last post we reviewed the Centre for Cities report on what predicts economic success at the regional level in the United Kingdom. The report’s characterization of successful regions as reinventors and lagging regions as replicators is quite insightful and is as applicable here as in the U.K. Reinventor regions have knowledge-based economies. Replicator regions […]

Manufacturing and economic decline

In a City Lab article Richard Florida reviews research from the United Kingdom on which metropolitan areas are prospering, which aren’t and why. The research was conducted by Centre for Cities. An overview of their report can be found here. Their conclusion: Growth of Knowledge, not Decline of Manufacturing, Shaped 21st Century City Economies. 100-year […]

Forbes: (Metro) Detroit is dying

Important article in Forbes entitled Detroit Is Dying Because GM Stuck Around, New York City Booms Because Nabisco Did Not. Highly recommended! The article is authored by John Tammy. Tammy asserts that places that have moved away from manufacturing like New York City, Seattle and Los Angeles are prosperous, while those who have stayed concentrated in […]

Michigan impoverished

Two terrific editorials from West Michigan publications. Both highly recommended! The first from Carole Valade, editor of the Grand Rapids Business Journal, entitled Michigan: a state of impoverishment. Citing data from (1) the Gallup-Healthways’ latest State of American Well-Being report that ranks Michigan in the bottom 10, (2) the Michigan Department of Technology, Management & Budget’s Winter 2015 Michigan […]

Minnesota surging

The Minneapolis Star Tribune reports that Minnesota now has a $1.9 billion state budget surplus. This comes after the state in 2013 raised its top income tax rate to 9.85 percent from 7.85 percent for families with incomes over $250,000. At the time of the tax increase the state had a budget deficit of $2.1 […]

Central cities surging

In our 2006 A New Agenda for a New Michigan report we wrote: “The most successful regions across the country are those where both the suburbs and central cities are prospering.” That is even more true today. The widespread belief among far too many Michiganders that central cities are part of the past and are now […]

Minneapolis surging

As readers of Michigan Future’s work know, we have suggested for years that Michigan should look to Minnesota as a model for how to create a prosperous state economy. On every measure of economic well being it is the best in the Great Lakes. For the details check out our two latest reports: State Policies Matter […]

New York City surging

The New York Times reports that New York City has added more jobs over the last five years than during any five year period in the last half century. 425,000 new jobs since the end of 2009. Amazing! By contrast, since the end of 2009 the state of Michigan has added 268,000 jobs. You read […]

Not your father’s middle class

The Upshot section of the New Year Times published a terrific infographic and article on today’s middle class jobs compared to those in 1980. Those that pay between $40,000 and $80,000. Both are highly recommended, especially the infographic. The bottom line is clear: today’s middle class is no longer centered in manufacturing or construction as […]