
WILS Interview on Michigan Future, Inc.

Did a radio interview with Walt Sorg of WILS radio recently. Its probably the best summary I’ve done of what Michigan Future is all about. You can listen by clicking on the link here.

The interview previews a presentation I did for a metro Lansing community forum. But its message applies to the entire state. There is no going back. The path to prosperity for each of us as well as Michigan and its regions is now getting connected to the broad knowledge-based economy.

And in that economy its the places with the greatest concentrations of talent that will do the best. So that the priority for state and regional leaders is to prepare, retain and attract talent. The assets that matter most: higher education – particularly our research universities – and vibrant central cities.

Because talent is concentrating across the country in big metropolitan areas, Michigan cannot be prosperous unless metro Detroit, most importantly, metro Grand Rapids and metro Lansing are even more prosperous. And those regions will not be prosperous unless they are anchored by a vibrant central city. Because its where young talent is concentrating. For Michigan to be prosperous again Detroit, Grand Rapids and Lansing have to work.


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