Bob Thompson Won

We and the country always frame stories about Detroit as nothing ever goes right. Even when they go right. This has got to stop! The latest example is a spate of stories about k-12 education in the city. All of which include the urban myth that Detroiters were stupid enough to turn down Bob Thompson’s […]


A couple of new videos on our work you might want to check out.  The first from the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation is an interview with me on our New Agenda work. It’s a good overview of our take on the path Michigan needs to take to regain prosperity, the importance of central cities and […]

Getting It!

A terrific editorial from Nolan Finley in the Sunday Detroit News. Entitled “The reason why we’re poorer”, Finley lays out, as well as we ever have, the connection between education attainment and per capita income. He clearly understands in an increasingly knowledge driven economy that states prosperity is linked to education attainment. As we have […]

What State Government Can’t Do

Insightful column from Nathan Bomey of It’s a reaction to a California venture capitalist’s comments that Michigan is  better in supporting innovative businesses than California. Yes you read that right. The case: Michigan state government provides higher subsidies for venture capital than California. What nonsense! How is it that we have come to believe […]

Higher Education: A Better Idea

Every time the state gets into financial difficulty there are calls for some kind of centralization of the state’s higher education system. Led by the business community and editorial writers. It’s a bad idea! Hard to figure out since both groups argue that markets are better than centralization of both the private sector and k-12 […]

New High Schools

Our Michigan Future Schools program, proudly announced yesterday grants of $2.8 million to open four innovative new high schools that will challenge and support Detroit students as they prepare them for college and careers. The schools will open to incoming freshmen in Fall 2011 and add a grade per year. Pretty exciting! The new schools […]

Lessons from Metro Pittsburgh

Many in Michigan seem to believe that the decline of the domestic auto industry and more generally the loss of so many high-wage factory jobs, means that the state will never again be prosperous. We disagree! The best evidence of the possibilities of making the transition to a new economy and back to prosperity probably […]

Choosing a Model for Michigan II

As I wrote in my last post, being a low tax and spending state and/or right to work state has little to do with how well a state’s economy performs. But they remain popular “answers” to reviving the Michigan economy. The Grand Rapids Press did a terrific article on Kia coming to Georgia. Their claim […]

Choosing A Model for Michigan

I started a presentation at the West Michigan Policy Forum with a thought experiment. Which of two state economies would you prefer for Michigan? State A per capita income $43,000, unemployment rate of 6.8%, poverty rate of 9.6% or State B  per capita income $34,000, unemployment rate of 9.7%, poverty rate of 15.7%? Pretty easy. […]

Detroit Ain’t Dead

Conventional wisdom here and across the planet is that Detroit is hopeless. Not salvageable. Think again! Take a look at this video from the folks at Palladium Boots. The first part is a must see, if you have the time watch all three parts. It will change how you think of the city. After you […]