American workers as the priority

An objective assessment would almost certainly reach the conclusion that American businesses are much better positioned to do well in a flattening world than American workers. Despite that at both the state and national level our policy focus is on helping companies compete. This despite record corporate profits both before and after the Great Recession. […]

The case for higher education as a priority

Great column in Dome Magazine by Glen Mroz, the terrific President of Michigan Tech. Mroz makes the case that cutting higher education funding is harmful to the Michigan economy. First the facts. State appropriations to higher education are down 35% over the last ten years. So much for the nonsense that the state went on […]

Cut and then what?

Insightful Rick Haglund column on He makes the point that after the reset of Michigan state government this year the state faces a fundamental choice in where it goes from here. One path is to do more of what we did this year: less taxes, less spending. The other is to resume public investments […]

More education attainment data

The Bureau of Economic Analysis has released its preliminary estimates of per capita income for 2010. There will be all sorts of revisions before the final stats are in. But they are the first data in a decade that use actual state population (the denominator), rather than estimates. Because Michigan’s population in previous calculations was […]

Education attainment and employment

The Census Bureau using data from the 2010 Current Population Survey just released what they describe as “the most detailed information on years of school completed ever presented by the Census Bureau”. It is worth looking at. Lots of interesting data on education attainment by age, race, gender, etc. What I want to focus on […]

U of M’s value

A thought experiment: Assume the University of Michigan/Ann Arbor decides – as MSU did with its medical school – to take offers to relocate all or part of its operations. But not just someplace else in Michigan, any place on the planet. How much would the incentive packages put together by communities and countries be? […]

The higher education we need

This is the first of a series of posts on higher education. As many of you know, in our 2006 A New Agenda for a New Michigan, we argued to recreate a high prosperity Michigan, maintaing a quality and agile higher education system was the #1 priority for state policy makers . We have been […]

More educated women

The trend continues that women are adjusting better to the changing economy than men. Yahoo! News has an article using Census data that for the first time ever there are more women with advanced degrees than men. This makes it an across the board sweep for women: more high school grads, more with four year […]

“If the people are here, the companies will come”

I took the title from a Nathan Bomey article on  Bomey was writing about a conference about growing the clean energy industry in Michigan. Bomey writes: Ken Nisbet, executive director of U-M’s Technology Transfer Office, said investment capital is important, but companies gravitate toward regions that are populated with talented people. “I actually think […]

The case for raising taxes II

Terrific Larry Gabriel column in the Metro Times. It is about the causes of Detroit’s horrible population decline. Now the 18th largest  city in the country, down from 4th. As Gabriel points out the problems may be worse in Detroit, but the whole state is facing the same challenges. Too many mobile individuals don’t want […]