Michigan employment by education attainment II

Below is the 2011 employment rate (employment to population ratio) data for 25-64 years olds –– the prime working years –– for Michigan’s three largest metropolitan areas: the nine county Detroit region (including Ann Arbor and Flint), the seven county metro Grand Rapids/Holland/Muskegon region, and the four country metro Lansing region. The employment rate is […]

Michigan employment by education attainment

More evidence that having a four-year degree or more is the most reliable pathway to employment in today’s economy. The table below displays data on the employment rate –– the proportion of the population that is employed –– for those in their prime working years –– 25-64 ––  by education attainment in Michigan and the […]

Design as an economic engine

Interesting feature in Atlantic Cities entitled: A Visual History of Michigan’s Outsize Influence on American Modernism. The story is built around the upcoming Michigan Modern Symposium upcoming at Cranbrook from June 13-16. Both the article and conference web site are worth checking out. (If for no other reason than to check out the pictures of Michigan’s […]

Crain’s on talent

Crain’s Detroit Business featured talent in their Mackinac Conference edition. Four articles. All worth checking out! They  highlight the importance, challenges and opportunities of preparing, retaining and attracting talent. An essential ingredient for future Michigan growth. Crain’s convened a roundtable on the topic that I was priviledged to participate in. The other participants were: David […]

Wanted: light rail for metro Detroit II

There has been good news on transit for metro Detroit. M1 –– the light rail line from downtown to midtown –– is going to be a major catalyst for future development of greater downtown Detroit. Thanks to the leadership of the Kresge Foundation and Dan Gilbert and Matt Cullen of Quicken (and other philanthropic and […]

Wanted: light rail for metro Detroit

At the same time that I was reading press reports that the powers that be have decided on bus rapid transit on Woodward from Detroit into Oakland County, Atlantic Cities ran an article on the success of the Phoenix light rail system. You read that right, no-real-downtown, sprawl-city Phoenix has made light rail a centerpiece to […]

Machines destroying occupations

The scariest article I have read about the economy lately comes from the AP entitled: “Recession, tech kill middle-class jobs”. The article is about the accelerating pace at which smarter and smarter machines and software are replacing workers. Its the new reality that we all need to understand and respond to. Its a must read article! […]

Employers responding to skill shortages II

As we explored in our last post, in a market economy its employers, not the government, who have the most effective levers to deal with skill shortages. Its not government or educators who are responsible for steering new entrants into the labor market to particular occupations or industries. And certainly not as a way to […]

Employers responding to skill shortages

There is a lot of skepticism about a skill shortage in technical occupations –– the most publicized are in manufacturing –– because employers seem to be doing the opposite of what they should to respond to shortages. Mainly not raising (in many cases cutting) wages and benefits, but also erecting barriers to hiring, filling vacancies […]

Quality of place attracts talent

So I was reading, not for work, a New York Times article on the architecture of Columbus, Indiana when I came across this: It was, in fact, J. Irwin Miller, scion of the Irwin-Miller family and arts patron, who transformed Columbus into an architectural mecca. As head of the Cummins Engine Company for 30 years, Mr. […]